High-Schoolers Learn Skills from Top Player

Ronald Ross visited the club on 8th October to conduct a successful development-camp session for the Camanachd Association.

The evening’s activities were held on the Meadows, and attracted 20 participants, almost all of high-school age.

Ronald Ross puts some Camanachd Dhùn-Èideann kids through their paces on the Meadows

The session covered warm-up activities, basic skills, and efficient training techniques as well as offering more advanced skills development. Some of those skills were ably demonstrated in close-quarter play and power strikes during an end-of-session match.

Many of the participants were relatively new to shinty, but judging by the standard of play seen, that should not prevent them from joining the more experienced players on the club’s 14-&-under and 17-&-under teams when the season starts on 4th November, and we hope many will wish to experience match-play shinty.

Many thanks to Ronald and the Camanachd Association. We look forward to welcoming you back soon.

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